So, keeping a blog was not as successful as I hoped it would
be. My last blog was in July, it is currently January. Sorry about that.
However, recently I felt compelled to start blogging again. So I suppose I will
just catch you up from where I last left off.
Since July 17, 2009. During my last month and half in Nicaragua I
continued to help teams that came in. We had another week long high school trip
and two world race teams came through in August. I loved having the world race
teams at the base. It was so refreshing to watch them minister to others. They
were in their last month so they were pros, I enjoyed watching and being able
to participate in their ministry, compared to the others where I would show
them how things were done. I also went to Panama with my dear friend Heather
for a week.
Ok, this is the part that I think
I was led to blog about, finishing out my time in Nicaragua and coming home. Leaving Nicaragua was really hard for me.
Situations had come up that I was just not ready to handle, and came home really broken. However, if I was
ready and prepared for everything that God had to throw at me, how good would
His teaching really be? I think God was sifting though me and bringing up areas
I still had fault and areas I need to work and grow in. Needless to say, coming home was RRrrough. I
was home for 3 weeks before I left again to go to college in Seattle. The first semester at school was
also rough. I felt very alone, isolated and confused. The feeling that I dealt
the most with was an overwhelming loss of purpose. What was I doing? I was JUST
going to school, how does that help anyone but myself? Where do I go from here?
The good news is, through prayer, conversations,
realizations and work, I have started to come out of that funk and am excited
to continue on to where God is leading me. Nicaragua was a HUGE growing
experience. I can literally say the first year of my faith was spending
focusing solely on God and discovering what it truly meant to be a “Christian”
and living that forward every day. That whole experience made an impact on my
life and I feel blessed that I could experience that. Thanks everyone for helping me get to that
point and pushing me to grow.
So where does that put me now?
Currently, I am attending Seattle
Pacific University
in Seattle, Washington. I am a nursing major and Spanish
minor. Back in October, I started my first paying job since May of 2008. I work
at a day care. Its fun, I play with kids all day.
As I go back and think about Nicaragua I still can hardly
believe that that year actually happened. My 21st birthday is coming
up in a few weeks and I think back to my last birthday. My 20th
birthday which was spent at an all day pastoral conference, entirely in
Spanish. The party was held in a transformed barn, on a dirt floor, with ice
cream, surrounded by people that I love and cherish. I was on the losing part
of an eating contest and got threatened with eggs the entire day. The year
before that, my 19th birthday, was spent sick, in a dorm room, not
really knowing what true community was.
Oh, how the years have flown by.
I do not know where
God is calling me from here, and am unsure of what my next step will be. I would
ask that you would pray for a few things in my life.
Friends and community- here at SPU, since my
first semester was spent sulking, I missed out on the opportunity to start
developing a new community. I ask that you pray for a community for me. Both a
church community and a community here at school. I still feel very lonely at
times, but I am hopeful as a few new wonderful people have recently entered my
A renewed since of purpose
An outreach. I feel that I have returned to a
place where I can start reaching out to people again. It took a while, but rest
and rejuvenation has taken place. Additionally, I am searching for purpose for this
summer. I feel that God is calling me to do something. One of the factors that
contributed to this was my realization of my upcoming lack of home. This
summer, I cannot afford to stay where I am here on campus. However, I cannot
return home, not because my parents wouldn’t love to have be back, but because
there is no jobs there for me. I sense that God is calling me to a new place, a
new chapter, so your prayers to find that place would be awesome.
So where does that leave us?
I am continuing to read the word
and search for truth, I have a new sense of vigor and hurriedness. I eat more
rice, beans and tortillas than any normal college student should, and I am
finally learning that no matter where I am, God is there with me, He is the
beauty in every thing that surrounds me.
I will try to continue to blog
more frequently, and post any developments or interesting stories.
Thanks for your prayers. Let us
all pray for the rejuvenation of God in this world.
Upwards and onwards (my Step-dad
always ends emails like that)
Hi Annie,
We met last summer when you were home in Pawnee and spoke at church. My mother is Lyanna Inglis – she plays the piano at services. It is so odd that I was just thinking of you today as mom always forwards your blogs to me and I was thinking it has been so long since I’ve seen any of them. I got on my email to ask my mom if she had heard from you and here was your blog. I also have been struggling with wondering what my purpose is right now and what God is trying to show me. Am I not hearing him? Also, the sense of loneliness that being a single mom can bring – so to see your blog was so refreshing. I just want you to know what an inspiration you are to so many. I don’t know even know you and we are years apart but seeing your faith and trust in the Lord through your words is so uplifting and reminds me that God speaks through all of us and uses us in such unique and sometimes subtle ways. He reminded me today (through you)to just keep going, listen, keep faith and he will lead us all to the person we were meant to be.
I’m so glad things are looking up for you. Maybe you could think of coming to a place like Kansas City – where I am – for the summer or maybe Lincoln. Plenty of jobs yet your still close to home to visit on weekends or something. Stay strong!