From one man he made every nation of men, that they should
inhabit the whole earth; and he determined the times set for them and the exact
places where they would live. God did this so that men would seek him and
perhaps reach out for him and find him, through he is not far from each one of
us. For in him we live and move and have our being.”
— Acts 17:
The women on my team and I have been going through a 10 week
Beth Moore bible study entitled “Believing God: Experiencing a Fresh Explosion
of Faith.” Each week is composed of an hour message from the fiery Rhine stone encrusted Texan. The question originally
proposed is “Do you believe God or merely believe in Him?”
Over the past 10 weeks, my faith has been challenged and I
have been pushed to dig deeper into what it means to have faith in God. This
past Friday was the final session, and it was the one that really struck a
chord with me. It started out by going
over the “Hall of Faith” in Hebrews 11. She states, “Let’s stand at the wall
and gaze at the space in the heritage of faith that awaits our picture.”
Hebrews 11 goes through many of the people in the bible who changed history
with their faith. Though it goes until verse 40, we were encouraged to add to
our bibles a verse 41, “By Faith …” and fill in the blank with
our name, testifying we have the opportunity to redefine what is in our (…).
All though out the course we have been pushed and encouraged
to truly believe in God, “…to the death, lets do it completely, lets do it with
everything we got, lets pour it out until, literally, He knows when to take us
home because the last drop has been loosed out of the cup [2 Ti. 4:6], and he
just breaks the thing and takes us home, put nothing on reserve just incase he
doesn’t come through, Amen? Faith is laying it all out there. I am so far out
on a limb now, it doesn’t even matter, I have to stick with God out on the tip
of this limb.”
Oh how those powerful words came at a teetering point…
The day before I was approached with a proposition by the
missionaries we work for here in Granada.
They asked if I would consider staying here this summer and working as an
intern. My original thought was “No, I have to work this summer, I need to earn
money”. But after hearing this message and praying about it, almost non-stop
for 3 days, I came to the conclusion that Nicaragua is where God is calling
me. From June 2nd to September 2nd, I will be living in Granada, Nicaragua.
My role will look very different, I will no longer be an AIM participant, but
now almost AIM staff, working as a facilitator for teams that come this summer.
Beth Moore emphasized that faith is laying it all out there,
what do we have to lose? Our God is a God who is strong and loving. We need to
live every day for the glory of God, not putting it off until tomorrow, or when
it conveniently fits into our schedules. Duane and my mother put it wonderfully
into perspective: I could go and get some random summer job, or I could be in Nicaragua,
working for the riches of a life after this.
I am excited and terrified at the circumstances God has
placed before me. I ask that you keep me in your prayers during this time and
pray for God to fill in the courage that I lack, the knowledge I have yet to
acquire and the maturity of an adult. Additionally, I will need to raise $1000
for the upcoming summer. If God has placed it on your heart to support me
financially, you can do this my clicking the support me! button on the left
hand side of this page. I will be praying for you and your families, I look
forward to seeing and speaking with all of you when I come home for 2 weeks on
May 15th.
Upwards and Onwards
Annie Valenziano
Ps. Beth Moore concluded by having us repeat this Commission
of Faith. I hope it hits your hearts and knocks you out cold.
Lord, today I accept my calling
Not to perfection or performance.
My calling is to faith.
I have been chosen for this generation.
I have place in the heritage of faith.
I’m gong to stop wishing and whining
And start believing and receiving.
What your word says in mine.
I won’t let others steal my hope.
I won’t argue with a Pharisee.
I will believe and therefore speak,
For you, my God, are huge.
Nothing is too hard for you.
Our world needs your wonders.
Rise up, oh Lord!
Please renew your works in our day.
I confess the unbelief of my generation
And ask you to begin your revival of faith
In my own heart.
For you are who you say you are.
You can do what you say you can do.
I am who you say I am.
I can do all things through Christ.
Your word is alive and active in me.
Satan, hear me clearly;
My father is maker of heaven and earth.
You are under my feet,
Because today and the rest of my days,
Believing God!