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Great and Powerful Wind.
“The Lord said, ´Go out and stand on the mountain in the presence of the Lord, for the Lord is about to pass by.´ Then a great and powerful wind tore the mountains apart and shattered the rocks before the Lord, but the Lord was not in the wind. After the wind there was an earthquake, but the Lord was not in the earthquake. After the earthquake came a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire. And after the fire came a gentle whisper. ” 1 Kings 19:11-12
This verse has been so important to me over the past couple of weeks. People are constantly asking me “what has the Lord taught you this week.” Most of the time I cannot stand this question because I do not have a big “Ahah” moment. At times I even get defensive and start to question whether or not the Lord has to be talking to you or teaching you something every moment of everyday.
However, I realized that He does. God shows us His glory every moment of everyday. We just have to be open to listening. If every time God had something to say to us He used a big earth shattering moment we would start to expect more and more from Him. Therefore, when He is talking in a whisper it makes that moment all the more special and intimate. Just like when you whisper to a person: you have to stop, really concentrate and lean in a little closer. God uses these small whispers to draw us closer to them. To really rely on Him. Putting your faith in Him when all you have is the slightest whisper in your heart. That is the Lord speaking to you.
Additionally, He leaves us signs of his presence all around. Little reminders about how wonderful and beautiful He is. Whether it is the amazing pink drangonfly down by the lake or the children who pass us by and yell or names or run across the street to hug us. That is God reminding us that we have worth and He loves us.
This week God has spoken His love to me so much, by creating moments where I can just sit and listen to Him. Seeking His guidence. Creating oppertunities where I have to go out and put my faith in Him and the reward has been something magnetic and glowing. God has showered me with love through my favorite friend Alberto. God doesnt leave you behind, He is always watching and wanting us to draw a little closer and listen to His whisper.
Thank you for your continued support in Prayer. If you happen to be in Pawnee City, Nebraska on the 4th you should stop by the presbyterian church, I will be giving a presentation about how maraculous God works. Thanks for all your continued support. I cannot wait to see and hear from all of you!
Annie: We are getting as anxious to see you & hear all about your mission, as you are to get home for awhile. However, I know that when you are home, you will also be yearning to go back. God bless you and may God hold you in the palm of His hand as you travel between “home & your home away from home.”
Yes, God controls the wind… all of nature! I miss you and the whole team. I am on my 12 hour lay over and was reading all of your blogs again. I miss you. Hit me up with a note and let me know how Ometepe was. Talk to you later.